Sunday, December 20, 2009

NYU Blackboard

What follows is the critique of NYU Blackboard.
To tell you the real naked truth - i like blackboard, I think that it is a great tool for students and teachers. First of all it is very convenient for students because they can just download course documents onto their computer and keep them there forever until the end of the course. While in the course window,teacher-student communication is enhanced through various options: Announcements, Course Information, Course Documents, Assignments, External Links, Discussion Board, Library Research.
The most precious pages are the course documents page and the discussion board page. All the important documents are uploaded to course documents page and students can access them free of charge. The discussion board is another great page. Discussion board allows students to engage in constructive dialogue through posting their views, reviews, responses, thoughts, etc.
Although i really like the blackboard, i think it can be a little bit more interactive. Considering the fact that NYU is extremely expensive and is a quiet wealthy university, the blackboard is a little bit poor. I mean why does it not how live chatting or live group discussions with video and other fancy things? I mean NYU has the resources for it. So why not make it the best blackboard site out there?
So although i really like the blackboard and i use it very often, i think it can be much more than it is right now in every way: design, style, amount of information, and its interactivity. Blackboard should be the place to be and the place to have discussions and should be very easily navigated.

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